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Coeliac: A gluten free journey

When I was five years old my heart was broken. 

I had this thing for toast. Every morning two slices. Perfectly toasted. Deliciously buttered. Eaten, then off to school. By 9 am, the stomach ache and lethargy had set in. No rhyme, no reason we could see (this was the 90s). 

My brother was in an even worse state than me. He was pale and listless (think of the most recent sparkly vampire and you are getting close to the result). 

My mother, with all motherly concern, started rounds of testing. Finally, the results come back. Four out of the five people in my immediate family were coeliac. 

Goodbye toast

Goodbye, my first love, toast. Hello, the hell of carob coated gluten free cookies. 

They say, time heals all wounds. Well … I still miss toast but carob no longer coats cookies and time has opened a range of gluten free options and substitutes that are a whole new world of delicious edible options. 

If you have someone on a gluten free diet, do not leave them catered for with a sad gluten free sandwich. Have pity on them and talk to your caterer. Any worth their salt will be able to suggest some delicious options. It is easier than you think to look after them. Don’t be afraid. 

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