Looking for ways to get the most of our your non-profit charity fundraiser with food? Catering business owner and hospitality expert, Amy Thompson shares her top two tips.
We love fundraises and charity events! It’s gorgeous to see our community alive with people who care for the places and people in it they have been broken through circumstances and bad luck.
Money may not buy happiness, but giving it away can!
So if you are running a fundraising or charity event, how can you get the most out of the funds that you put towards food?
Here are a two very easy ways:
1. Get a quote as a fundraiser
Request at least three quotes for catering tell (as is standard practice). When you email them the request:
- Tell them it is for a fundraiser
- Include a link to that charity’s website
- Use a professional looking email signature with the logo of the charity in it
- Tell them your budget up front
- Ask if there if they would consider donating something towards the day.
Don’t be shy. Asking costs nothing and you might be surprised by the unexpected result!
We have a policy of a “Thank you for looking after us” community discount for non-profits and fundraisers that are have done and continue to do amazing work in Toowoomba. Sometimes we might add some free items too, to help out. This will depend on the event.
Knowing what people are after clearly helps us to advise well.
2. Ask for menu recommendations and TRUST the recommendation
There are some recipes that we adore BUT are not on our standard menu. So it is often best to set a budget and then give the catering company control of what they can do with it to best look after you based on your event specifications.
Yes, this takes a huge amount of trust but remember they are the professionals and often do even BETTER looking after you when inspired by a good cause, your trust and creative license.
Whatever you are raising money for with food, we wish you the very best in your endeavours!
Have fun (we know we do!)
P.s. One of our favourite local charities is Rosies – Friends on the Street. We have been donating food to them since the beginning of the business and it is such an encouragement to us to be part of their gifting to others.
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