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What Our Clients Say About Us

Thank you so much for the extra food you provided at such short notice. 

Leith King 2
Leith KingRIDBC

Just wanted to pass on our thanks for a beautiful morning tea yesterday (lots of ‘delicious’ comments!), and great communication from your team when running a few minutes behind. Love working with you guys! 

Tamara Stopford
Tamara StopfordTFC Financial

The scones and sandwiches were absolutely delicious. A number of our staff commented on how good they were. 

Michelle Morley
Michelle MorleyHeritage Bank

The food was AMAZING and there were many comments regarding the catering and I have passed on your name to several people who were present yesterday. People especially loved the muffins, savoury tartlets and the apple slice....none left!! 

Leith King
Leith KingRIDBC

Thanks so much for catering at the funeral yesterday. The food was excellent and more than enough for the crowd. I appreciate your professional service and attention to detail. It made the situation so much easier for us. 

Miranda Meyers
Miranda Meyers

Thank you for the gorgeous sandwiches today; the fruit trays were cleaned very quickly; and so many people commented on the sandwiches! Great job and thank you! 

Colleen Kluck
Colleen Kluck

Our morning tea was amazing ... thanks again! 

Nicole Holden
Nicole HoldenElodus Financial

Thank you so much for the delicious food you supplied for our wedding yesterday. It was truly delectable and our guests couldn't stop complimenting us on the food. It helped make our special day even more special. Thank you also for your professional, personal and friendly service. 

Sharon Braund
Sharon Braund

Your lunch you provided for my grandson's christening was absolutely amazing. Everyone raved about the salads and we thought they were great as well and quantity was ample as you promised. Fruit platter was really nice also.  

Margo McDonald
Margo McDonald

Thank you for providing the catering for our administration forum. Absolutely delicious as always! 

Liz Speed
Liz SpeedQFES

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